Muscle Tuner® Specialist Program FAQs

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Frequently Asked Questions:

What Does the Program Include?

We provide a highly focused training program that teaches you how to perform muscle testing and Muscle Tuning™ safely and effectively. It takes most people only about 24 hours of study and practice to be ready to take the assessment exams. This does not include as many mentoring sessions on Zoom as you wish to attend.

You will learn numerous methods to optimize the function of 52 individual muscles to help your clients feel stronger, fitter, faster and to feel greater vitality and less pain as effectively as possible.

A full colour reference manual will be mailed to you plus you will find downloadable support materials online such as cheat sheets, summaries and client record forms. You will do well to have your manual handy when watching all the conveniently-sized video clips. You can get started right away before it arrives, and enjoy having the images and clearly listed steps for every procedure as you progress.

Permanent access to training videos covering theory and demonstrations of each technique and protocol, downloadable PDFs, plus a library of each muscle test.

Access to our Video Vault for a treasure-trove of recorded lectures which used to be provided only at live seminars. Library is organized for core-component skills and bonus information answering a wide variety of student questions. This library will deepen your understanding and confidence tremendously.

Practical assignments to gain experience and confidence).


90 Minute Proficiency Testing To Qualify For Our Trademark License

Get assessed. Gain feedback on technique, refine your knowledge.

1st Year Trademark License

When you pass your online practice proficiency test and online written exam, you will qualify to market yourself as a licensed Muscle Tuner® Specialist!

Our license agreements renew yearly so we can meet and make sure you feel confident and serving your clients optimally. This friendly meeting is basically a 1 on 1 personal mentoring session which helps ensure our standards are being met and that you feel completely supported in a private setting.

Being a trademark license holder qualifies you to attend quarterly Mastermind meetings with your colleagues and participate in a private community to stay connected, keep learning and get support.

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What Else Will I Be Learning?

Finding hidden issues for each of the 52 individual muscles in our Foundations Program and dealing with them easily.

Different reflexes have various effects on muscles, learn when to activate them.

Protocols for clearing a substantial amount of chronic pain problems.

Release compensation patterns that cause pain, and prevent them from re-developing.

Ways to support yourself by using Muscle Tuning™.

A technique that helps to reduce anxiety about performance, competition or other life events.

With experience, it can take about 30 minutes to Tune-Up either the Primary Muscles or Secondary Muscles. Until then, expect a session to take about 60 minutes IF you follow a full sequence. We also have mini-sequences that can be accomplished in under 15 minutes..

With practice, you can assess and tune up all 52 muscles in about an hour, if that's what your client needs!

Is Muscle Tuners International An Academic Institution?

We're not an academic institution. We do not offer any academic certification.

We are a corporation that offers the opportunity to apply for a trademark license to call yourself a "licensed Muscle Tuner® Specialist" when you meet our training standard.


How Does Your Trademark Help Me Market Myself?

After your trademark licensing exam, you will be able to introduce yourself this way:“Hi, I’m a Muscle Tuner® Specialist and I can help you with 'that problem' so that you will be able to … x, y, z”

We have found this introduction leads to a natural conversation on how you can help the person you are speaking with.

Nearly everyone believes their muscles can use a tune up! 

When people discover how instantly their body responds to this hands-on technology and notice greater vitality, better physical function and feeling less discomfort, they will be pleased to refer friends to you because of the efficient, effective, positive results that you provide. 

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Tell Me More About The Value Of This Program

Maybe you're on the edge of investing in something new and want to make your $$$ count. So why buy this Program?

Sets You Apart

The Muscle Tuner® Specialist Program will set you apart from others in your field because introducing yourself as a Muscle Tuner® Specialist makes it clear what you specialize in.

Easier To Market Yourself

There's value in introducing yourself with a clearly named service. It saves time too. We can’t tell you how many times we’ve heard: “Well I have some muscles that could use a tune-up!”

Another Revenue Stream

Muscle Tuning™ can be a stand-alone service to offer or you can charge more for sessions by adding it into the work you already offer.

If you are a Massage Therapist you can extend your career by offering Muscle Tuning™ between massage sessions to reduce the physical strain on your body. Alternatively, you can layer in Muscle Tuning during a massage to reduce some of the heavy work.

If you are a trainer or any type of mobile therapist, Muscle Tuning™ can be done anywhere - no equipment required.

It Pays For Itself

Our customers find their investment is paid off within 20-40 sessions. After that, earnings go directly into their pocket. Plus, they own these skills for life, and THAT is priceless.

Extra Benefits

  • Registration includes free access to drop-in weekly Zoom meetings where you can ask questions to support your practice.

  • Private Community to connect with colleagues and receive support.

  • You have unlimited access to all the online materials to refresh yourself on any techniques or procedures.

    If finding funds to pay for the program in one lump sum is an issue, would a payment plan help? Talk to us. We’re here to help you bring these profound, fun and satisfying skills into your life!

How Is Your Organization Different?

The program creator has extensive training in numerous modalities that utilize muscle testing. She has experience in working with clients to help them improve how their body moves and can train you to do it too. We focus on the core stuff that teaches you home-run approaches within hours, not months.

  • We specialize in teaching a subject online that is typically only taught in-person.

  • Customers love the ability to review anything they wish anytime they wish.

  • We offer weekly drop-in coaching.

  • You won't be left on your own to implement the art of muscle testing.

  • Our door is open to you if you would like additional support after you finish your course.

  • Some other programs don’t focus on accuracy, quality and customer service.

  • Some have filler material that you have to filter out, or they aren't complete enough.

    This modality and trademark will help you STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD!

Some Nitty Gritty

What's The Basic Theory?

Your body parts don't work in isolation. Groups of muscles work together to lift an object or to allow you to bend down.  When one muscle isn't operating at 100% other muscles take on a greater load. While that allows you to function, eventually the muscles that are working harder will start to complain. When we perform Muscle Tuning™ we test an isolated muscle apart from its helper (synergist) muscles by strategically positioning a limb and pushing it through a specific range of motion against resistance from the client. If it is not working properly we have a choice of which reflexes to activate to restore proper body/brain communication. This simple activity immediately improves the strength ratio between opposing muscles, therefore it helps to prevent injury due to a muscle pulling too strongly against  a weakened opposing muscle.

It can be interesting to learn which muscles are not functioning optimally. They act as though they are switched off and we can discover this by performing Bioenergetic Muscle Testing. It is even more fascinating to observe what happens after activating some reflexes!

Muscle Testing = assessing the current state of a muscle.
Is it switched on / locked / facilitated? Or not?

Muscle Tuning™ = activating reflexes to restore the body/brain connection.
It switches on muscles, restores optimal facilitation and reduces compensation patterns among muscles. 

By the way: Applied Kinesiology doctors have researched that different muscles communicate energetically with specific organs and glands via the acupuncture meridian network. Therefore tuning up muscles can also subtly support the wellness of our organs and glands. 

Why Offer Muscle Tuning™ And Who Needs It?

When all muscles are properly facilitated and working in cooperation the body can achieve functional and specific fitness goals, faster. Additionally, your clients should be at less risk of injury.

Muscle Tuning™ can assist in healing injured areas more quickly by waking up body/brain connections that may have switched-off.

It's satisfying to help people develop more strength, confidence and freedom to move more easily.  And it can be a lot of fun!

Who Needs Muscle Tuning™?

Nearly Every Body!

Who Benefits From Offering Muscle Tuning Sessions?
Fitness Trainers, Athletic Coaches, Massage/ Physical/Occupational Therapists and Kinesiologists, plus we love working with anyone wanting a new career in the healing arts or to simply to help their friends and family.

Why Is Pre-Tuning™ Important To All Body Workers?

Pre-Tuning™ wakes up neuro-muscular connections before muscle testing or performing any body therapies. It allows the facilitator to more accurately assess imbalances.

It helps sort out any cross-wiring in the nervous system so that therapy reaches the intended area.

These activities are also beneficial to perform at home to reduce stress and increase physical and mental ease.

Common Concerns

Do I Have Time To Learn This?

We can’t tell you for sure that you will make the time, but we can tell you that we’ve made the process as easy and efficient as possible.

There is no filler material like in some other courses

Our program is really tight. We have distilled core information from years of research and empirical experience and combined techniques and procedures in new ways. You can take our straightforward process and apply it right away. It's everything you need to provide effective results.

  1. Other programs take longer before you can accomplish anything worthwhile
    Participants achieve positive results within the first few hours of starting. We are confident this program teaches the core concepts and skills that give reliable results that a keep you excited and wanting to finish..

  2. Short video clips match up to each part of the manual

  3. Almost all video clips are chunk sized ranging from 5 to 30 minutes. You can take the program at your own pace from the comfort of your own home or office whenever you can fit in some time.

  4. No need to memorize everything
    We expect you to refer to your materials. You’ll progress from using the manual to referring to a sheet of thumbnail images that have the picture of each muscle test start position along with a client recording form that lists the corrections for each muscle right on the page. (We love cheat sheets!)

Is This Convenient To Learn?

Learn At Your Own Pace

This online learn-at-your-own-pace course also allows you to drop in for online mentoring at the times that works with your schedule. Study from anywhere with an internet connection.

Can I take this training in-person ?

Since the pandemic is finally over, we would love to present in-person again. We are seeking sponsors throughout North America. You can learn in your own town while earning revenue by organizing a class.

Will It Be Easy To Bring This Information To Work?

We have worked hard at providing quality learning materials that work for you and are committed to being available for you. We have found students find it easy to bring their manual anywhere they serve their clients, and eventually transition to using just a few cheat sheets on a clipboard.