
Amazing Student Success

even before her assessments

Works For Yogis...

and 'Boo-Boos' too

Remember the 1961-1988 cartoon?
My coach nudged me to play on the words here...

Empowering Experiences

can happen anywhere

From Colleagues:
Your demonstration of one of your techniques at our national conference regarding the muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia was great! I use that technique a few times a week and the results are excellent. I've never had a technique to work with fascia, tendons, ligaments before. Many happy people are now out of pain and it's because of you..
- C. Frank

Denise is one of the great cheerleaders for modalities that utilize muscle-testing and has done so much for the growth and awareness of this profession. She is also the consummate professional…both as a practitioner and an instructor. With her desire to always learn more and expand her horizons, Denise brings a deep knowledge and understanding to her teaching – and presents it in a manner that makes it easy for the student to absorb and learn. What else can you ask for in an instructor? A dynamic, knowledgable, easy to understand instructor who makes learning exciting and fun!
- Adam Lehman, En.K. Director - Institute of BioEnergetic Arts & Sciences Developer - Holographic Touch for Health, Integrative Wellness Facilitator Training
From Licensed Muscle Tuner® Specialists:
I love the ability to market myself in a more effective, easy to understand method because of my Muscle Tuner® Specialist trademark license. I love the support from the company too - thank you!!
- Alison Zeidler

This program is great in providing clear directions / photos of muscle testing. I absolutely love DTR and DEAR techniques. They are worth the cost. Denise is super organized and concise in putting materials together for instruction and reference. I have also taken the Tuning with Surrogates class and it exceeded my expectations.
- Heather Rogers
From Muscle Tuner® Specialist Clients:
My experience with Muscle Tuning has been great. My result was feeling of enhanced well-being, movement and coordination. Also, Darcy Lewis worked wonders on greatly reducing my foot pain.
- Pam

My session with Alison Zeidler was incredible! I have no other words to describe it. A few years back I experienced some neurological issues. It appears that my peripheral vision was affected and I did not notice. A few seconds after Alison worked on me, I was like: "who turned on the lights?" this is incredible! I had also developed a mild limp on my right leg which was also immediately reduced. She even picked up on the fact I was dehydrated that morning with so much running around I did not get a chance to drink water!
- Eliana C.

Approximately 12 years ago I suffered a right shoulder injury. I had done everything from acupuncture to massage as well as everything in between including physiotherapy. My doctor stated it was not bad enough for surgery. However, I lived with pain every day of the year. Some days it was quite excruciating while others not so bad, but always, the pain was there.
I met Denise of Muscle Tuners International and was incredibly skeptical about what she did and how she did it. She demonstrated her skill during a Networking event on another set of muscles on me and it was one of those 'mind blown' experiences. I made the commitment to give it a try, after all, what did I have to lose after 12 plus years of pain? With high skepticism going in for the first session, I found at the end of the session the shoulder felt better than it had in the last 12 plus years, but there was still some pain. She had also tuned some other muscles. As a result, I had one of the best workouts of my life at the gym. Felt stronger, more balanced and not as sore afterward. Went for the next session. The next day, I woke up pain-free for the first time in 12 plus years on the right shoulder. I had a full range of motion of the shoulder for the first time in 12 plus years. I was able to lift without any discomfort in 12 plus years. The rest of the body also felt the best it has in a very long, long time. Physiotherapy could not help me, acupuncture could not help me, chiropractors could not help me, massage therapy and my own doctor could not help me. However, Denise doing Muscle Tuning in two hours did more for my quality of life than anyone else has in the past 12 plus years. What is frightening is Denise can show all of the above professionals how to do it for themselves so that their patients, like me, do not have to live in the pain I was. Therefore, I am encouraging those in the health business to call this lady. You can do amazing things for your clients and have them lead a functional, productive and worthy life quicker. The only question then becomes do you want to help your patients, or not? I'm sure Denise will take your call. Thank you Muscle Tuners International and especially thank you, Denise.
~ Joe da Silva Still pain free, p: 778-839-0905 e: [email protected]
From Program Participants:
I found the Muscle Tuner® Specialist Program suited my professional needs. The series of videos and assignments were well done, very clear, and presented at the right pace so that I could follow all the techniques as they were demonstrated. This program offers a thorough system to pick up on subtle imbalances that could be missed in a traditional physiotherapy session. I like that we can also affect neurological connections and reflexes that indirectly improve general health. ~Simone Manfredi, BScPT

I love what I'm hearing. Everything has been so easy to use and follow. Love that you can go back and re-watch anything that you may have missed or need extra help with. I also really enjoy the your Facebook group as a way to air questions that we might have. Or perhaps areas where we are having difficulties.. I find it helpful to hear other people’s input and perspective. Love your regular Office Hours video conferences.. it’s similar to FB group, but being live just gives you a chance to get to know our peer group. Questions come up when speaking in open forum that may not come up in FB. Sometimes it's hard to type questions, so voicing them is helpful.
- Denise Armenio

Three words to describe my experience? Interesting. Fun. Game Changing! Not only was this a great anatomy review, I now have so many more tools in my tool box to assist my clients during a massage treatment!
- Melissa Miller, RMT

I really enjoyed the whole course - especially having access to the two of you and all your knowledge. You are both amazing! I'm feeling encouraged, confident and excited as I take my first steps towards building a client base.
- Laurie Peel

Thank YOU for making a quality program to follow along. Loving the videos. 😊
- Joyce Bunner

I am happy to see all of the support that you are offering. The smoothness of the introductory module relieved any concerns about how the following modules will function.
- Jean Oberstadt

I enjoyed the Professionalism Module because it had good tips. I have no background on working with clients so learning about professional manner is very beneficial for me.
- Trenton Stone VanderKooi

Oh, my goodness I love Muscle Tuning! I am so excited to be making such an incredible difference in people’s lives. I must tell you about my experience while working on my friend recently. She was emotionally crushed by deception. She had not slept in three days. She had never experienced Muscle Tuning™ before so this was completely new to her.
I proceeded to do the Primary Muscle Tuning™. For each of the muscles that were switched off on one side or the other, her body wanted the Dynamic Tissue Reset™ (DTR)! Each of her muscles tested strong following the DTR™. I love, love, love what you both created. This is magnificent, correcting both over and under energy! Absolutely incredible!!!!
I completed the 28 Primary Muscle Tuning™ Sequence. I asked her how she felt. She looked completely wiped out, but her eyes were soft and had a sparkle back in them. She said, she was completely relaxed, and she felt like she could just go to sleep for the rest of the day. She was completely calm. When I asked her to give me a number on how she felt about the deception, she looked at me and said, “It is not present at all.” She gave it a zero! She went from a 10 all the way down to a zero with a Primary Muscle Tuning™!
I have tears in my eyes as I write this knowing that we are able to help people move through incredible pain to a place of peace; completely letting go of the stuff that is “crippling” them. I am completely aware that I am simply the facilitator. God is doing the healing and my customer is doing all the work. I am just merely a helper with an amazing process that helps them work through their “stuff”.
I will be forever grateful for these amazing tools! Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful process!
Sue Trefethren, Agape Wellness LLC, Appleton, WI

Tony is very pleased with adding our methods to his Pain Relief business!

(and he hasn't even completed the program yet!)

Attendee at a Presentation:
After I left the presentation at the Journey to Success Conference in Oakville last week, I was at a golf tournament and a friend of mine walked over to me. I saw she was really limping. I asked Janet what the problem was. She told me she had twisted something in her hip. I asked her on a scale of 1-10 how painful was it? She answered it was about a 7.
I said: “Okay, can I touch you? It’s not magic, it’s a technique I just learned from Muscle Tuners International.” Then we joked a bit while I used my fingertips to rub up and down on her spine all the way from the top of the neck down to the tailbone for a couple of minutes. Then I looked at her and asked how she felt now. She said: “Oh my God! The pain is gone. What did you do to me?” I told her it’s something called 'Circuit Breaker Reset'. Contact them to learn more.

` L.P.

Foreward by Dr. Charles T. Krebs in the Foundations Program Manual:
Get ready to unlock your client’s true sports and physical potential with Muscle Tuners International’s Foundations Program as very few athletes actually operate at 100 percent of their potential. This is because of factors that block the full expression of our potential and which are largely subconscious in origin. Using direct muscle biofeedback or muscle testing, these factors can be rapidly assessed and then corrected using the same muscle biofeedback, eliminating blocks to performing at your Peak/Best.

Many factors directly affect our performance, for instance, various automatic reflexes that operate outside of our conscious awareness often compromise our performance outcomes. However, these “hidden factors” can be easily and quickly assessed for integrity of function, and re-integrated using seemingly simple manual techniques. Merely applying acupressure to only one or a few acupoints can totally reset a number of muscle imbalances “turning back on” a whole reflex and unleashing full performance potential.

"Muscle Tuners International Training will permit you to work with complex factors affecting health and performance potential. I highly recommend their programs to anyone interested in both assisting people to achieve their personal best and/or over-coming many chronic problems. The satisfaction and joy you feel as you see clients fully experience their true potential makes this work so fulfilling, you can hardly call it work!”

~ Charles T. Krebs, Researcher-Harvard Medical School, Founder of the Life Enhancement Acupressure Protocols, Author of three books and International lecturer in Neurology and Alternative Therapies.