This program includes fourteen short videos totalling 3 hours which cover each aspect of the process to achieve productive outcomes. A review of basics - with a twist, along with an extension of this approach to access this imbalance within our energy fields.
Do you believe in the crown jewel technique of clearing reactive muscle stresses in order to relieve chronic pain conditions?
Perhaps you have felt challenged by all the rules related to identifying the Reactor and Reactive pairs... and have felt overwhelmed ... and you need this concept to be taught in a different way ... wondering if maybe it could be simplified ...
You are in the right place to learn how to easily access the innate knowledge of your client's body to facilitate change rapidly.
This workshop is intended for people who have completed at least Touch for Health® Level 3 or those who have purchased our Muscle Tuner® Specialist program and who would like to extend this important skill into other dimensions.
We teach this concept somewhat differently than the IKC syllabus. While many students can apply the information taught according to the syllabus in these workshops, we have learned that a great many others are at a loss to implement this critically important technique. Let us help you.
We teach how to clear reactivity with a twist that simplifies the process plus we provide ways to work with the technique to access the body's energy fields once you have mastered the basics.
You will receive permanent access so that you can watch the videos as many times as you would like to gain the confidence to finally use this technique. Use it and catapult your reputation as someone who is a problem solver when it comes to pain.
Note: If you do not have the prerequisite background, the content of this program will likely not be useful to you. At minimum, you should be able to perform manual muscle response tests for the 42 Touch for Health® muscles, and have a means of facilitating them.